Sunday, August 1, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010

TRACKS IN ORDER Sound Station 1 & 3
01 2l2code_SONG.1
02 2l2code_SONG.2
03 2l2code_SONG.3
04 Walking_Quickly_Closer M J Olson
05 Narrows Lee Fraser
06 early soundtrack M J Sansom
07 Southerndown Beach M J Sansom
08 PoorbutSexyinBerlin Sam Salem
09 Dhani Egidija Medekšaitė
10 AndDeath Jason Bolte
11 Noises_Everywhere Jason Bolte
12 Change Jason Bolte
13 Maurum Roland Etzin
14 Wasserlinie Roland Etzin
15 Shuffleboardwalking Episode 6 Tornio Graveway Ed Osborn
16 TransactionTranslation Crude, Luke
17 Labyrinth radio reveil ieva aka Samuel A
18 Constellation op5 heavenly tramps IEVA AKA Samuel A
19 Dumb Emanuel Costant
20 niu_001 Emanuel Costant
21 niu 002 Emanuel Costant
22 skywalks Viv Corringham (with Anne Bean)
23 anne slack tide Viv Corringham
24 Through Noé Cuéllar
25 rain under overpass at Esplanade Dan Godston
26 bamboo grove at the Spice and Fruit Park Dan Godston
27 night train in northwest Indiana Dan Godston
28 february1- Daniel Dugas
29 february11 Daniel Dugas
30 february13 Daniel Dugas
31 Phased Barry Dillon
32 Wind Barry Dillon
33 WIP Barry Dillon
34 Blowing with ghosts Jean-Philippe Renoult
35 one track platform Dianh Bird and Jean-Philippe Renoult
36 Phases of Matter _-_Thomas_Helton_with_Kevin_Patton
37 Grind Scale _-_Thomas_Helton_with_Kevin_Patton
38 Saga Thomas Helton
39 Las_Muertes_de_HipasodeMetaponto_MuertePrimera_SolRezza_2009 vbr1
40 Las_Muertes_de_HipasodeMetaponto_MuerteSegunda_SolRezza_2009_vbr tr2
41 Journey_m Belma Beslic-Gál
42 Echo II_m Belma Beslic-Gál
43 bus-ride-time-compression Brenda Battad
44 brendabattad-tal-one
45 brendabattad-outgrowtheoxygenphase
46 333 Bass Flute Susan Geaney
47 333 Wine Bottle Susan Geaney
48 'Objectum Sexualism' by Rob Murphy 2010.
49 Construct sound Richard Carr
50 The phone Call Richard Carr
52 - Enzyme hot pot ROGUE SPORE
53 Rogue Spore Suite ( parts 1 & 3 ) ROGUE SPORE
54 Scrambled Contagion ROGUE SPORE
55 marrage2 Amy Hanley
56 pillows cut Amy Hanley
57 We Were Talking Andrew Carson
58 stack four Juergen hall -
59 stack five Juergen hall -
60 stack six Juergen hall -
61 schellander_coltan
62 schellander_Dangerfield
63 schellander_ballad joe
64 yesno Jessica Conway
68 Chimes rattle pipes, static freezer bottles cars(9.59) (Alexander Baker)
69 Spring Walk(7.39)_alexanderbaker
70 Thaw(8.40) (Alexander Baker)
71 Experimental Audio Initiative-None-Radio Tabernacle Collage Mix DAVID A. GOVONI
72 Experimental Audio Initiative-None-The Past Keeps Following You DAVID A. GOVONI
73 guyodo singing ansy derose Robert Peterson
74 eloi feret and nathalie Robert Peterson
75 motinarmonici Giuseppe Rapisarda.
76 The day before Giuseppe Rapisarda.
77 motinarmonici Giuseppe Rapisarda.
78 pulses fdowling
79 Thomas-Thiery-qqfrag-zic-01-vengeance-stockhausen3
80 Thomas-Thiery-qqfrag-02-zic-les-plombs
81 The leaf was uprooted Hiromu Yamaguchi
82 koori-no-myakuhaku Gavin Prior
83 Guesthouse_residency_extract Gavin Prior
84 Attempts to Linger Sean Peuquet
85 Not ATravelogue Sean Peuquet
86 Converging no.1.2 Sean Peuquet
87 Voice Hilary Mullaney
88 - Green Gates Hilary Mullaney
89 Fälle Antje Vowinckel
90 Lingua Antje Vowinckel
91 Phonehome Antje Vowinckel
92 überdruck Marcus Beuter
93 As I Roved Out Danny Mc Carthy
94 Marathon Man Danny Mc Carthy
95 New Air Chaos, 2-1-1, St Finbarres Organ plus live loops Kevin Tuohy
96 SlowDown 1, Sound Stations edit Kevin Tuohy
97 SubStation Kevin Tuohy
98 Autotrope Francis Heery
99 lllocked Mick O'Shea
991 Bocasonido Christian Carley
992 Surfs up for Cork The Concerned Parasites Of Corca Gueena
993 POI Instantanés (Marseille) The Cornerhouse, Manchester Eimer Birkbeck
994 Bells_Suzdal_2010 Eimer Birkbeck
995 Lacrimosa-from-CD-Aural-Cultures Eimer Birkbeck
996 minimal2 gintas k –
997 happy end gintas k –
998 scant_intone-spectral_dancer
Tracks in Order Sound Station 2 & 4
01 multiverse Hugo Paquete
02 Plato's Cave Sarah Boothroyd
03 UNDERSTATEMENTS Ilya Y. Rostovtsev
04 CAVEAT Luno Valetti
05 felix culpa Luno Valetti
06 the lighthouse keeper Luno Valetti
07 safe_and_sound Simon Whetham
08 Fades20100623_SonicVigil Antonio Della Marina
09 Momentum 02 Antonio Della Marina –
10 Stratocumulus Adam Mc Carthy
11 Nimbostratus Adam Mc Carthy
12 disfluencia Artur Vidal
13 dawn till dusk Kate Delaney
14 electronic line Kate Delaney
15 minimal movement Kate Delaney
16 The End (2004) The New Spastics
17 BO11 (2005) The New Spastics
18 The Depression Piece The New Spastics
19 strange attractions Berkus
20 oblique strategies 1 Berkus
21 100 oblique strategies 2 Berkus
22 brian conniffe - the heart of tiphareth
23 refracted_shoreline_1_Anthony_Kelly_David_Stalling
24 Observations, Meditations & Vibrations John Duffy + Q
25 the beige channel - smile world
26 anopheles James Wyness
27 culex James Wyness
28 dixa James Wyness
29 record your errors (excerpt) Kevin Logan
30 The Cruxifixion (excerpt) Kevin Logan
31 Trouble in Paradise Kevin Logan
32 05 Track 01 James Kent
33 05 Track 02 James Kent
34 05 Track 03 James Kent
35 Rabbit_Travelogue_ Edwin Lo_excerpt
36 Shaking_Mendeleev_in_the_Presence_of_a_Guitar Rita Torres
37 Uncertain-Memory Robert Dow
38 Sound forest P.KOKORAS
39 whitesheethill cropcircle 1 Katie O’Looney
40 E¦ümigre¦ü Aidan Deery
41 do_you_know_where_were_going Aidan Deery
42 Classical Mash Up Final Mix 1 Fiona Curran
43 phoenix_sonicvigil Robert Ratcliffe
44 planet1 Robert Ratcliffe
45 An einem Sonntag Florian Hartlieb
46 vorderen Zimmer des hinteren Raums Florian Hartlieb
47 boston_underground Florian Hartlieb
48 Transcendence Timothy Roy
49 Ghosts of Cluny Timothy Roy
50 Collapsed_Chimes Will Bolton
51 Falling_Away Will Bolton
52 Remnants Will Bolton
53 Control Equipo Elevado
54. Música para un silenbloc Equipo Elevador
55 Asi se organiza la incertidumbre Equipo Elevador
56 No Violencia Ignacio Baca-Lobera
57 intertidal Gastón Arévalo
58 Du noir marre-44 Vincent Bergeron
59 Disconnect (censored) Greg Dixon
60 George Andrea Bonino
62 Multiple Choice Inferno Andrea Bonino
62 Piece of Mind Susan Walsh
63 A sound biography of light Susan Walsh
64 Navigator Petri_Kuljuntausta
65 We're Number One! Roger Gregg
66 Fireworks In The Rustbelt Roger Gregg
67 Two Stories About My Grandfather Roger Gregg
68 _'K197' Andi Chapple
69 'Tonic' Andi Chapple
70 Scanning Six Alberto Vitacchio
71 Variazioni in a b c d Carla Bertola
72 Campo di Marte Carla Bertola & Alberto Vitacchio
73 Cosmos Shih-Li, Chao
74 neudown Shih-Li, Chao
75 Wu-Yin Shih-Li, Chao
76 Lugnaquilla -®-áD I BIckley 2010
77 RJS -®-áD I BIckley 2010
78 The Deep -®-áD I BIckley 2010
79 Vertigo Smith-1Miriam Lohan
80 4 Scenes from Dawn Miriam Lohan
81 Nature Nicholas Langdon
82 City Nicholas Langdon
83 ppjj08 Eiliyas Nicholas A Kelly
84 jpjpjpy Eiliyas Nicholas A. Kelly
85 DUST Patricia Walsh
86 Stars Pissing On Your Midnights Piaras Hoban
87 Robitics 9.40 Louise Marlborough
88 Mooring_boats sebastiane_hegarty
89 mooring_hide sebastiane_hegarty
90 rock_sands sebastiane_hegarty
91 Improvisation with gas and steam Rachel Ní Chuinn
92 Cool Cool Evening Susan Stenger
93 Metal Meltdown Susan Stenger
94 My Sharona Susan Stenger
95 Hexagonal (Facets 1-6) JOSH GOLDMAN
96 transCodE A Oscar Martin
97 trAnsCodE_B Oscar Martin
98_icemacina Oscar Martin
99 vigil press Aodhgán O'Flaherty
01 2l2code_SONG.1
02 2l2code_SONG.2
03 2l2code_SONG.3
04 Walking_Quickly_Closer M J Olson
05 Narrows Lee Fraser
06 early soundtrack M J Sansom
07 Southerndown Beach M J Sansom
08 PoorbutSexyinBerlin Sam Salem
09 Dhani Egidija Medekšaitė
10 AndDeath Jason Bolte
11 Noises_Everywhere Jason Bolte
12 Change Jason Bolte
13 Maurum Roland Etzin
14 Wasserlinie Roland Etzin
15 Shuffleboardwalking Episode 6 Tornio Graveway Ed Osborn
16 TransactionTranslation Crude, Luke
17 Labyrinth radio reveil ieva aka Samuel A
18 Constellation op5 heavenly tramps IEVA AKA Samuel A
19 Dumb Emanuel Costant
20 niu_001 Emanuel Costant
21 niu 002 Emanuel Costant
22 skywalks Viv Corringham (with Anne Bean)
23 anne slack tide Viv Corringham
24 Through Noé Cuéllar
25 rain under overpass at Esplanade Dan Godston
26 bamboo grove at the Spice and Fruit Park Dan Godston
27 night train in northwest Indiana Dan Godston
28 february1- Daniel Dugas
29 february11 Daniel Dugas
30 february13 Daniel Dugas
31 Phased Barry Dillon
32 Wind Barry Dillon
33 WIP Barry Dillon
34 Blowing with ghosts Jean-Philippe Renoult
35 one track platform Dianh Bird and Jean-Philippe Renoult
36 Phases of Matter _-_Thomas_Helton_with_Kevin_Patton
37 Grind Scale _-_Thomas_Helton_with_Kevin_Patton
38 Saga Thomas Helton
39 Las_Muertes_de_HipasodeMetaponto_MuertePrimera_SolRezza_2009 vbr1
40 Las_Muertes_de_HipasodeMetaponto_MuerteSegunda_SolRezza_2009_vbr tr2
41 Journey_m Belma Beslic-Gál
42 Echo II_m Belma Beslic-Gál
43 bus-ride-time-compression Brenda Battad
44 brendabattad-tal-one
45 brendabattad-outgrowtheoxygenphase
46 333 Bass Flute Susan Geaney
47 333 Wine Bottle Susan Geaney
48 'Objectum Sexualism' by Rob Murphy 2010.
49 Construct sound Richard Carr
50 The phone Call Richard Carr
52 - Enzyme hot pot ROGUE SPORE
53 Rogue Spore Suite ( parts 1 & 3 ) ROGUE SPORE
54 Scrambled Contagion ROGUE SPORE
55 marrage2 Amy Hanley
56 pillows cut Amy Hanley
57 We Were Talking Andrew Carson
58 stack four Juergen hall -
59 stack five Juergen hall -
60 stack six Juergen hall -
61 schellander_coltan
62 schellander_Dangerfield
63 schellander_ballad joe
64 yesno Jessica Conway
68 Chimes rattle pipes, static freezer bottles cars(9.59) (Alexander Baker)
69 Spring Walk(7.39)_alexanderbaker
70 Thaw(8.40) (Alexander Baker)
71 Experimental Audio Initiative-None-Radio Tabernacle Collage Mix DAVID A. GOVONI
72 Experimental Audio Initiative-None-The Past Keeps Following You DAVID A. GOVONI
73 guyodo singing ansy derose Robert Peterson
74 eloi feret and nathalie Robert Peterson
75 motinarmonici Giuseppe Rapisarda.
76 The day before Giuseppe Rapisarda.
77 motinarmonici Giuseppe Rapisarda.
78 pulses fdowling
79 Thomas-Thiery-qqfrag-zic-01-vengeance-stockhausen3
80 Thomas-Thiery-qqfrag-02-zic-les-plombs
81 The leaf was uprooted Hiromu Yamaguchi
82 koori-no-myakuhaku Gavin Prior
83 Guesthouse_residency_extract Gavin Prior
84 Attempts to Linger Sean Peuquet
85 Not ATravelogue Sean Peuquet
86 Converging no.1.2 Sean Peuquet
87 Voice Hilary Mullaney
88 - Green Gates Hilary Mullaney
89 Fälle Antje Vowinckel
90 Lingua Antje Vowinckel
91 Phonehome Antje Vowinckel
92 überdruck Marcus Beuter
93 As I Roved Out Danny Mc Carthy
94 Marathon Man Danny Mc Carthy
95 New Air Chaos, 2-1-1, St Finbarres Organ plus live loops Kevin Tuohy
96 SlowDown 1, Sound Stations edit Kevin Tuohy
97 SubStation Kevin Tuohy
98 Autotrope Francis Heery
99 lllocked Mick O'Shea
991 Bocasonido Christian Carley
992 Surfs up for Cork The Concerned Parasites Of Corca Gueena
993 POI Instantanés (Marseille) The Cornerhouse, Manchester Eimer Birkbeck
994 Bells_Suzdal_2010 Eimer Birkbeck
995 Lacrimosa-from-CD-Aural-Cultures Eimer Birkbeck
996 minimal2 gintas k –
997 happy end gintas k –
998 scant_intone-spectral_dancer
Tracks in Order Sound Station 2 & 4
01 multiverse Hugo Paquete
02 Plato's Cave Sarah Boothroyd
03 UNDERSTATEMENTS Ilya Y. Rostovtsev
04 CAVEAT Luno Valetti
05 felix culpa Luno Valetti
06 the lighthouse keeper Luno Valetti
07 safe_and_sound Simon Whetham
08 Fades20100623_SonicVigil Antonio Della Marina
09 Momentum 02 Antonio Della Marina –
10 Stratocumulus Adam Mc Carthy
11 Nimbostratus Adam Mc Carthy
12 disfluencia Artur Vidal
13 dawn till dusk Kate Delaney
14 electronic line Kate Delaney
15 minimal movement Kate Delaney
16 The End (2004) The New Spastics
17 BO11 (2005) The New Spastics
18 The Depression Piece The New Spastics
19 strange attractions Berkus
20 oblique strategies 1 Berkus
21 100 oblique strategies 2 Berkus
22 brian conniffe - the heart of tiphareth
23 refracted_shoreline_1_Anthony_Kelly_David_Stalling
24 Observations, Meditations & Vibrations John Duffy + Q
25 the beige channel - smile world
26 anopheles James Wyness
27 culex James Wyness
28 dixa James Wyness
29 record your errors (excerpt) Kevin Logan
30 The Cruxifixion (excerpt) Kevin Logan
31 Trouble in Paradise Kevin Logan
32 05 Track 01 James Kent
33 05 Track 02 James Kent
34 05 Track 03 James Kent
35 Rabbit_Travelogue_ Edwin Lo_excerpt
36 Shaking_Mendeleev_in_the_Presence_of_a_Guitar Rita Torres
37 Uncertain-Memory Robert Dow
38 Sound forest P.KOKORAS
39 whitesheethill cropcircle 1 Katie O’Looney
40 E¦ümigre¦ü Aidan Deery
41 do_you_know_where_were_going Aidan Deery
42 Classical Mash Up Final Mix 1 Fiona Curran
43 phoenix_sonicvigil Robert Ratcliffe
44 planet1 Robert Ratcliffe
45 An einem Sonntag Florian Hartlieb
46 vorderen Zimmer des hinteren Raums Florian Hartlieb
47 boston_underground Florian Hartlieb
48 Transcendence Timothy Roy
49 Ghosts of Cluny Timothy Roy
50 Collapsed_Chimes Will Bolton
51 Falling_Away Will Bolton
52 Remnants Will Bolton
53 Control Equipo Elevado
54. Música para un silenbloc Equipo Elevador
55 Asi se organiza la incertidumbre Equipo Elevador
56 No Violencia Ignacio Baca-Lobera
57 intertidal Gastón Arévalo
58 Du noir marre-44 Vincent Bergeron
59 Disconnect (censored) Greg Dixon
60 George Andrea Bonino
62 Multiple Choice Inferno Andrea Bonino
62 Piece of Mind Susan Walsh
63 A sound biography of light Susan Walsh
64 Navigator Petri_Kuljuntausta
65 We're Number One! Roger Gregg
66 Fireworks In The Rustbelt Roger Gregg
67 Two Stories About My Grandfather Roger Gregg
68 _'K197' Andi Chapple
69 'Tonic' Andi Chapple
70 Scanning Six Alberto Vitacchio
71 Variazioni in a b c d Carla Bertola
72 Campo di Marte Carla Bertola & Alberto Vitacchio
73 Cosmos Shih-Li, Chao
74 neudown Shih-Li, Chao
75 Wu-Yin Shih-Li, Chao
76 Lugnaquilla -®-áD I BIckley 2010
77 RJS -®-áD I BIckley 2010
78 The Deep -®-áD I BIckley 2010
79 Vertigo Smith-1Miriam Lohan
80 4 Scenes from Dawn Miriam Lohan
81 Nature Nicholas Langdon
82 City Nicholas Langdon
83 ppjj08 Eiliyas Nicholas A Kelly
84 jpjpjpy Eiliyas Nicholas A. Kelly
85 DUST Patricia Walsh
86 Stars Pissing On Your Midnights Piaras Hoban
87 Robitics 9.40 Louise Marlborough
88 Mooring_boats sebastiane_hegarty
89 mooring_hide sebastiane_hegarty
90 rock_sands sebastiane_hegarty
91 Improvisation with gas and steam Rachel Ní Chuinn
92 Cool Cool Evening Susan Stenger
93 Metal Meltdown Susan Stenger
94 My Sharona Susan Stenger
95 Hexagonal (Facets 1-6) JOSH GOLDMAN
96 transCodE A Oscar Martin
97 trAnsCodE_B Oscar Martin
98_icemacina Oscar Martin
99 vigil press Aodhgán O'Flaherty
Friday, July 9, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010

Sonic Vigil V
St Fin Barre’s Cathedral
Sat 17TH July, 1pm-8pm
Curated by The Quiet Club and Gruenrekorder, Sonic Vigil returns with a stunning line-up of leading international experimental musicians and sound artists and practitioners from the booming Irish scene. This unique event, a SEVEN HOUR marathon of experimental music and sound art, will take place in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral on Saturday 17th July.
The Quiet Club was formed in 2006 by Danny Mc Carthy and Mick O’Shea, two of Ireland’s foremost sound artists, as an outlet for their own work and that of other artists. Gruenrekorder is a German-based record label focusing on phonography and sound art. Gruenrekorder’s speciality is field recording, the investigation of nature and the environment as an acoustic experience.
A major highlight this year is the participation of David Toop, recognised as one of the world’s leading exponents of sound art. Toop’s new book Sinister Resonance: The Mediumship of the Listener is due to be published next month.
Of special note in Sonic Vigil V are performances by poets from the SoundEye Festival, including Maggie O’Sullivan, a master of word music and verbal sound effect.
The audience will also be treated to several quadraphonic sound pieces, the premier of John Byrne’s Turntable Parlour Orchestra (which involves twenty artists performing on turntables), and the live sound manipulation of Roland Etzin, Lasse-Marc Riek and D’incise.
Coinciding with Sonic Vigil V will be the launch of Sound Stations. These listening structures, positioned around the cathedral, were designed by students of the Cork Centre for Architectural Education and fabricated in the National Sculpture Factory. They will contain CDs of works from open submission to a worldwide open call. The Sound Stations will run from the 17-24th July and will be officially launched on World Listening Day, Sunday 18th July
Sonic Vigil V:
David Toop (GB) • Soft Day (Irl) • Lasse-Marc Riek (DE) • The Quiet Music Ensemble (Irl) • Sunfish (Irl) • Karen Power (Irl) • The Quiet Club (Irl) • D’incise (Ch) • Anthony Kelly & David Stalling (Irl/DE) • John Byrne (Irl) • La Société des Amis du Crime (Irl) • MERSK & SoundEye Poets (Irl/UK) • Roland Etzin and Kevin Tuohy (DE/Irl) • The Concerned Parasites ubh Körka Gweena (Irl)
Records from both the Gruenrekorder Label and Far Point Recordings will be available for sale at the concert. Further details from sonicvigil@ireland.com or on www.sonicvigil.blogspot.com
Sonic Vigil V
St Fin Barre’s Cathedral
Sat 17TH July, 1pm-8pm
Curated by The Quiet Club and Gruenrekorder, Sonic Vigil returns with a stunning line-up of leading international experimental musicians and sound artists and practitioners from the booming Irish scene. This unique event, a SEVEN HOUR marathon of experimental music and sound art, will take place in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral on Saturday 17th July.
The Quiet Club was formed in 2006 by Danny Mc Carthy and Mick O’Shea, two of Ireland’s foremost sound artists, as an outlet for their own work and that of other artists. Gruenrekorder is a German-based record label focusing on phonography and sound art. Gruenrekorder’s speciality is field recording, the investigation of nature and the environment as an acoustic experience.
A major highlight this year is the participation of David Toop, recognised as one of the world’s leading exponents of sound art. Toop’s new book Sinister Resonance: The Mediumship of the Listener is due to be published next month.
Of special note in Sonic Vigil V are performances by poets from the SoundEye Festival, including Maggie O’Sullivan, a master of word music and verbal sound effect.
The audience will also be treated to several quadraphonic sound pieces, the premier of John Byrne’s Turntable Parlour Orchestra (which involves twenty artists performing on turntables), and the live sound manipulation of Roland Etzin, Lasse-Marc Riek and D’incise.
Coinciding with Sonic Vigil V will be the launch of Sound Stations. These listening structures, positioned around the cathedral, were designed by students of the Cork Centre for Architectural Education and fabricated in the National Sculpture Factory. They will contain CDs of works from open submission to a worldwide open call. The Sound Stations will run from the 17-24th July and will be officially launched on World Listening Day, Sunday 18th July
Sonic Vigil V:
David Toop (GB) • Soft Day (Irl) • Lasse-Marc Riek (DE) • The Quiet Music Ensemble (Irl) • Sunfish (Irl) • Karen Power (Irl) • The Quiet Club (Irl) • D’incise (Ch) • Anthony Kelly & David Stalling (Irl/DE) • John Byrne (Irl) • La Société des Amis du Crime (Irl) • MERSK & SoundEye Poets (Irl/UK) • Roland Etzin and Kevin Tuohy (DE/Irl) • The Concerned Parasites ubh Körka Gweena (Irl)
Records from both the Gruenrekorder Label and Far Point Recordings will be available for sale at the concert. Further details from sonicvigil@ireland.com or on www.sonicvigil.blogspot.com
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
“Sonic Vigil 4” CD Box Set
Just released by ANEAR Records in conjunction with Gruenrekorder and Farpoint Recordings is the limited edition (150 signed and numbered) four CD Box Set of live recordings of Sonic Vigil 4. The event which took place in St Finn Barrs Cathedral Cork last July consisted of a six hour concert. It was curated by the Quiet Club (Mick O’Shea and Danny Mc Carthy ),Gruenrekorder and Sound Eye.
The concert was faithfully captured by sound engineer Robbie Collins in what is the truly amazing acoustic space of the cathedral and comprises of work by a huge variety of artists ranging from electronic, electro acoustic, field recordings and sound poetry by some of the leading exponents in their various fields.
Amongst the fourteen tracks on the CDs are The Quiet Club with John Godfrey, Francis Heery, Female Orphan Asylum, Tony Langlois, Kelly/Stalling, Mersk, SAFE, Angus Carlyle (UK), Olivier Nijs (NL), Suspicion Breeds Confidence / Tobias Schmitt (DE), Roland Etzin (DE), Japp Blonk (Nl) ,Christine Wertheim(USA)and Jerome Rotherberg (USA),.Each artist is represented by an artist designed card and a text of their own choosing with an introduction by Paul Hegarty (Noise/Music A History) .The four CDs and artists cards come encased in a hand crafted embossed black box each one numbered in a strictly limited edition of one hundred and fifty.
Further information soundworksunlimited@ireland.com or www.farpontrecordings.com or www.gruenrekorder.de
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